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Enrollment for the Writing With the Soul Workshop Round 8 will open in 2025. For more details on Round 8, click here.

WWTS Alumni Grants & Scholarships

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2024 Grant Cycle

Three alumni will be selected by a review committee to receive grants totalling $2,000 each. One grant is reserved for underrepresented authors. 

Is this grant for you?

Review Committee

Are you looking for opportunities to get involved with WWTS? We are accepting applications for a Grants Review Committee. Comprised of alumni volunteers, this committee will be responsible for a blind review of grant applications and recommending recipients. 

2024 Trip Scholarships

In 2024, we want to be sure that more alumni with financial barriers can access more WWTS offerings. We have partnered with our alumni community to offer two full-tuition scholarships for alumni trips. One for The Residency and one for Storytellers Retreat. Scholarships cover registration and tuition.

Travel is not included.

All Meals are included for Storytellers Retreat only. Dinner is included for The Residency.


12.20.2023: Applications Open

01.21.2024: Applications Closed

Week of 01.22.2024: Recipients are Informed